Monday 14 January 2013

Forensic Heroes II

Sam and Ding-Ding

Sam and Ding-Ding's love story was very amazing ever since they started going steady in Forensic Heroes I. Ding-Ding is a very sweet, young lady who loves to wear sneakers. Since Sam did not want her to suffer wearing heels on their wedding day, he suggested her to wear sneakers. They both searched for it frankly and finally spotted one but could not find her size. So out of his love for her, Sam burnt the midnight oil for days to DIY a crystal sneaker for her. Ding-Ding, unknowing of it, also made a crystal sneaker keychain for him. They were meant for each other!

However, two days before their marriage, Ding-Ding got into an accident. Due to serious injuries, she died. This led Sam to depression for a period of time. However, he soon got back on feet and returned to work to continue to find the killer which is responsible for Ding-Ding's death. 

A couple of months later, after he had soon gotten over it and slowly let things move on, He started to admire Bell, but did not had a crush on her. Bell got a misunderstanding that Sam likes her as they both share their love tragedy to each other. 

Many people might have preferred the couple Bell-Sam, but however (without hard feelings), in my opinion, Ding-Ding had always been somewhere in Sam's heart though she had left out of the sequel early in the series due to a busy schedule. Their love story has always been part of this drama and shows many touching scenes.

Forensic Heroes II

Ivan and Bell

The love story between Ivan and Bell had been the spotlight of this sequel: Forensic Heroes II. These two main artistes had portrayed a wonderful love scene several times in the drama. Bell did not really wanted to be in love in the beginning because of the love tragedy happened to her former boyfriend, Jason who died because of her. Ivan, however had his eyes fixed on her in his first sight and admired her much. He was loving, caring and thoughtful to Bell. Bell realized this and began to accept him. They showed great love and passion for each other.

During the breaking of the last case, both Bell and Ivan was caught in a car accident. Ivan nearly died in an explosion but Bell did not gave up and saved him. Their relationship became intimate. However, the killer wanted to take revenge and thus set a shrapnel timer bomb on the deck where Ivan and Sam were as Ivan planned to proposed to Bell on a ship. Ivan, a bomb expert decided to save his best friend, Sam. He was injured severely in the incident. He went in to coma for few months. Before that, Bell was found out to be pregnant with his child. Ivan finally woke up and the drama had a good ending.

Their first kiss! <3
Coffee and Biscotti made by Ivan